I've started messing around with Micropython. I've used it with the ESP23 microprocessors but currently I'm more interested in using the Raspberry Pi Pico W. The ESP32 is swell and all but there are so many versions of the boards from different manufacturers that I've started projects on a board but then can't get more of the same board and the pin-outs are all different.
My most recent project is a temperature display unit that I called (rather grandly) Weather Station. It turned out to be a much less ambitious project in the end. I did have my first professionally produced PCB made for it, so that's something new... It's all on Github
Shotglass2 is my second version of a web site starter kit I made up and put on github. I wanted a way to quickly put up a little web site for myself or friends. It's created using python and the Flask web framework. Makes a site with a basic database, Users, Roles etc and a contact form with email.
I made this site with it. Basically able to put up a site in 5 minutes.
Shotglass2 adds the ability to host multiple sites from the same installation. It's also easier to override the layout of the basic Shotglass2 site without modifying the underlying code.
It also has a nice mobile responsive layout using the w3.css library from w3schools.com
I've created a simple inventory system principally to track bike parts used in the North Natomas Jibe Bike Doc program.
The system is a web app based on shotglass (what else?).